Nishan Thapa
Adelheidstraße 84 65185 Wiesbaden Mobil: +49 1575 0789 303
Nishan Thapa
"Ayurveda is the science of life"
Nishan Thapa
Nishan Thapa
"Every human being is the author of his own health or desease"
Nishan Thapa
"Life is 1% what happens to you and 99% how you respond to it"
Nishan Thapa
"Ayurvedic treatment always
yield side benefits, not side effects"
Nishan Thapa
"Ayurvedic chakra treatment strengthen immunity, vitality and longevity"
Nishan Thapa
"Ayurvedic reflexology is body and energy work"
Nishan Thapa
"Ayurvedic medicine is the knowlwdge of the magnificent diversity of mother nature"
Nishan Thapa
"Ayurvedic food teaches how to live in harmony with nature"
Nishan Thapa
"Let food be the first medicine"
Nishan Thapa
"Ayurveda is the science of life"
Ich freue mich Ihr Interesse an Ayurveda zu wecken und lade Sie ein mehr über die Wege zu einem gesunden Leben und inneren Gleichgewicht zu erfahren.
Im folgenden erfahren Sie mehr zu meinen Angeboten.
Herzlichst, Nishan Thapa
"Creating a healthy mindset is an investment in your overall wellbeing"
Dosha Bestimmung
Ayurvedische Massagen
Kooperation Psychotherapie
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